Monday, May 11, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

This website had many gruesome pictures of the long-term effect of cigarette smoking. I have always known smoking can harm our bodies, but these pictures really took it to the extreme and definitely reinforced me to never smoke! I think a smoking policy should be enforced in every school nationwide, and if possible, worldwide (since the effects of tobacco aren't prejudice towards different races)! This was a highly effective eye opener!

This activity was a great way to see how many gallons of water I use each day, and how much money and water I could save if I changed a couple habits. After answering the questions I found that I use about 107 gallons of water every day! I know this is just a rough estimate and hopefully it's inaccurate in my favor. My favorite part of this activity is how it tells you what behaviors you can specifically change to save the most water. For me, if I lower my shower time by 2 minutes, I could save 36 gallons of water each day! I'm glad I got to do this activity, and now I just need to work on taking faster showers =)

I thought this game was really fun, and the music was super catchy! The main point of this game was to feed the monster at least one item from each food group. Once you fed the monster some food, it would give you information about that type of food and the group it belongs to on the food pyramid. This was a great way to educate kids about healthy eating and it was also fun to play!

Foot-O-Meter - Abbey

This activity was very informational and great for kids to learn how to lower their eco-footprint! After answering the questions for Bobbie, I found out that his footprint would be 7.7 acres. If everyone lived like him, we would need 1.7 earths, which is a lot better than mine was for our eye opener we did in the past! I thought this activity was very informative and fun. Schools should definitely use this activity to help students become more aware about our environment.

This activity was a great way to learn about the foods you like to eat, and how healthy they really are. To play this game all you had to do is click and drag food items onto your tray that you would like to eat. Once you ate, you would receive tray feedback which tells you some facts about the foods you chose. I honestly chose foods that I would eat in real life and according to the tray feedback I did alright =)

Well congratulations to group 3 for being the coolest group in the blog world! These activities were a great way to kill time and not study for my finals =) Hope everyone has a fantastic day!


  1. Ben- I am glad that you were busy "killing time" with our activities. I agree, they were sort of fun to navigate through. Congrats to you for being accepted into the coolest blog group ever created. I think Dr. V. spoke with the Lord in a dream because let's be honest, no man or WOman could ever create such a divine web group! --S

  2. Ha ha ha I agree to Sara's comment. Our group preeeeetty much ruled. I miss you guys already.

  3. Haha autumn... true fact! I think that it is awesome that you used so many less earths this time around ben good work:) SARA YOU CRACK ME UP!

  4. Yay for our group! And yay for everyone and their learning activities! Ben I really enjoyed builiding my own house and climate! If only that could all come true!Great post and glad you enjoyed everyone's activities

  5. Ben~ I am glad you liked my activity and that you learned how to reduce you water usage too, its something I think we all need to work on!
