Friday, May 1, 2009


Week 13
This week we watched a short video called "Story of Stuff." It was a bit one-sided but it was entertaining and a fast-paced way to show how manufacturing works, so I enjoyed it. We also did the second half to our advocacy project, the Issue Overview. Towards the end of the week we went out to Bagley Nature Area and engaged in a navigation activity using compasses. Since barely anyone knew how to properly use a compass, I think we all had a good time, and learned something new!

Week 14
During this week we had a speaker come in and talk to us about opportunities after graduation. We learned about the Americorps and how it is a great way to gain experience and pay off loans. We also wrote letters to our political representatives regarding our advocacy topic. I thought everyone did a great job with their letters, especially since it was probably the first time for many writing a letter like that. On Thursday we got to do a junking activity which I thought was hilarious! It was really fun getting into groups and coming up with crazy ideas to repurpose certain items!

What I learned about myself
Over the past two weeks I learned that I can successfully navigate through the woods with a compass. I also learned that I should try to repurpose more things in my life because it's actually pretty fun. Although having an eye-gouger or ninja star in my house may scare my friends away...

What I learned about the environment
I learned that although there are millions of ways to harm the environment, it is counter-balanced with ways to help. There's always a pro to every con. For example, buying a lot of junk essentially hurts the environment because of all the manufacturing it has to go through, and all the space it takes up in landfills. However, junking is a way to counter-act this problem. But sadly, even though there may be a pro for every con, it seems as though everyone these days engages in the "con" activities without balancing it with a "pro." This may be why we are coming up short when it comes to sustaining our resources.

What I learned about blogging
Once again, I haven't really learned too much about blogger itself, but I have come to realize that my blog group is pretty much AWESOME! I'm thankful to have been in such a sweet group this semester, and will miss blogging on a regular basis when this semester is over =/

That's about it, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! DON'T GET THE SWINE FLU!!!!


  1. Ben-HILARIOUS post, I was literally LOLing. Okay wow, I must make a list to tell you my thoughts.
    1. I am so thankful to be in your group too!! We actually have a real quality bunch in our Web Group! I will be sad when I dont have a reason to blog stalk you anymore! =)
    2. I agree, your roommates would be a bit taken back if you had a sprinkler ninja star or an "eye gouger">??? in your bedroom. HAHA
    3. I like you how said that there are ways to counteract all of the harmful things we are doing to the environment. That gave me a new way to look at things.
    4. I will try my very hardest to not get the swine flu!

  2. Ben-
    I love our web group too! We were too funny.. We could always keep blogging once this class is over, oooor we could just have more community health majors parties :) I vote for the parties. Thankfully, I did not get the swine flu this weekend.. Fargo was nice to me.

  3. Ahhh thanks Ben for the Webgroup comment... so sweet:) In addition I must say.... can you imagine mowing the grass in the photo that you posted.. thats all!

  4. Ben! Great post. Thanks for the web group comment. HOLLA! I will also miss chatting with you all. The eye gauger was my favorite highlight from the past two weeks...haha so funny!!

  5. Ben~
    I love it and I think I peed my pants after reading this! Great post man!!
    Thanks for the card and flowers that you guys/gals got me too, it really brightened my day! I sure did miss you all this week! Lets keep it touch through blogger over the summer.
